Access to All Brawlers: private server gives players access to every brawler in the game, including those that are typically locked behind paywalls or difficult challenges.Unlimited Gems, Gold, and Boxes: With Nulls Brawl, players have access to an unlimited amount of gems, gold, and boxes, allowing them to fully customize their brawlers and dominate the competition.It all the same features as its official counterpart, but with additional unique extras like unlimited coins and gems, custom skins and brawlers, and more powerful weapons than you would find in regular play. This ensures that you’ll always have something new to look forward to when you log in to play. The last update added new brawlers, skins, and other features to the private server. One of the best things about Nulls Brawl is that it’s regularly updated with new content. Players can customize their character’s appearance by changing skins! Each character has their own unique set of skills and abilities which can be used strategically during the battle against other players or computer-controlled opponents. The most crucial feature of Nulls Brawl is the wide range of characters available to play. Mystery event slot: random one of five game modes and 1-3 modifiers, but without binding to any specific location environment.

You can read more about the new version here. The new Update added 3 new characters and a new system of character progression.